


1 学术论文的基本特点介绍 Introduction to Academic Writing Test on the Features of Academic Writing

1、 Long, complex sentences are one of the main features of academic texts.

答案: 正确

2、 Dissertation utilizes outside information to support a thesis or make an argument.

答案: 错误

3、 Academic writing can use both objective and subjective language.

答案: 错误

4、 All source materials should be cited and kept in the same style manual.

答案: 正确

5、 Rules of punctuation and grammar must be followed in academic writing.

答案: 正确

1 学术论文的基本特点介绍 Introduction to Academic Writing Test on the Process of Academic Writing

1、 Please put the general steps in academic writing in a correct order. a:Write. b: Do Researchc: Choose a Topic- Narrow Down the Topic.d: Proofread. e: Revise.f: Take notes g: Edit. h: Plan Your Essay (arguments, thesis statement, outline).

答案: cbfhaegd

2、 To make research more effective and less time-consuming, which one has not been mentioned?

A:Setup and follow a research schedule.
B:preliminary research.
C:Immediately record source information
D:Find sources as much as you can
答案: Find sources as much as you can

3、 When we start to do research, the topic we chose can both be specific or general.

答案: 错误

4、 The thesis statement is what your paper try to support.

答案: 正确

5、 Taking notes can help us plan arguments.

答案: 正确

2 搜集资源 Finding Sources Test on the Finding Resources for Academic Writing

1、 Which one is not a credible source?

C:Scholarly Journals
D:Opinion columns in newspapers.
答案: Opinion columns in newspapers.

2、 When is the Latin term et al. required in a citation?

A:more than three authors
B:more than four authors
C:more than five authors
D:more than six authors
答案: more than six authors

3、 What is the difference between primary sources and second sources?a: Primary sources relate to publicly available data, like historical documents (e.g., a transcript of oral history, interview data), raw data from an experiment, or demographic records. b: Second sources relate to publicly available data, like historical documents (e.g., a transcript of oral history, interview data), raw data from an experiment, or demographic records. c: Secondary sources have been produced for public consumption in the form of a journal article or a chapter in an edited book. d:Primary sources have been produced for public consumption in the form of a journal article or a chapter in an edited book.

答案: ac

4、 How to identify a credible source?

A:Peer-reviewed articles
B:The most recent information
C:Familiarizing yourself with the author.
D:All of them
答案: All of them

5、 Which one is not the thing to avoid?

A:Using any information that has an obvious bias.
B:Using material that is out of date.
C:Social media.
D:Using a first-hand quote.
答案: Using a first-hand quote.

2 搜集资源 Finding Sources Test on the Tools and Methods of Finding Resources

1、 Which one is not an effective reading method?

A:Read intensively to make notes on key points
B: Scan text for the information you need (e.g., names)
C: Survey text features (e.g., abstract, contents, index)
D:Read extensively to grasp the main idea
答案: Read extensively to grasp the main idea

2、 Which one is not consistent with what we have introduced in this class?

A:References list shows all the sources used by the author and referred to in the text. It should give you some suggestions for future reading.
B:Introduction or preface is where the author often explains his/ her reasons for writing, and also how the text is organized.
C:Abstract tells you what proportion of the text is devoted to the topic you are researching.
D:Bibliography is the sources the author has used but not specifically referred to.
答案: Abstract tells you what proportion of the text is devoted to the topic you are researching.

3、 How to assess internet sources critically?

A:Is this a reputable website, for example with ac. (= academic) in the URL
B:Is the name of the author given and is he/she well-known in the field
C:Is the language of the text in a suitable academic style
D:All of them
答案: All of them

4、 Which one is not correct according to this lesson?

A:Examines common text features is important for effective reading.
B:Critical thinking is less important than examining common text features.
C: Learning to distinguish facts and opinions is good for effective reading.
D:Students are usually paying little attention to reading skills.
答案: Critical thinking is less important than examining common text features.

5、 Which one is called critical thinking?

A:Does the argument of the writer develop logically, step by step?
B:Are the examples given helpful? Would other examples be better?
C: Does the author have any bias?
D: All of them.
答案: All of them.

5 学术论文基本架构 Basic Structure in Academic Writing Test on the Structure of Dissertation

1、 An outline can help the writer not only determine what to write but even control the length of the paper.

答案: 正确

2、 The clarity and readability of an outline are improved if the entries are present in a similar grammatical form.

答案: 正确

3、 The three main categories of outlines are the topic outline, the word outline, and the paragraph outline.

答案: 错误

4、 The Roman Numeral outline is the most common type of outline and usually instantly recognizable to most people.

答案: 正确

5、 In drafting, it is easy to add some transitions and connectives to form a paper.

答案: 正确

5 学术论文基本架构 Basic Structure in Academic Writing Test on the Argumentation

1、 Cheating on exams is hardly an issue because few people dispute cheating is wrong.




