学术英语写作与演讲(上海交通大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


2. Plagiarism, paraphrase and summary Test 1 (Unit 1&2)

1、 When doing academic reading, you can ______ to get an immediate guideline of the specific topic.

答案: read other researchers’ review of the topic

2、 Besides title, which part of the paper are you supposed to read first when reading a paper?

答案: abstract

3、 Which of the following sources is the most reliable?

答案: Journal article.

4、 How to paraphrase? Put the following steps into correct order.1) Check that you have included the main points and essential information.2) Underline the key words and take down notes. 3) Read the original source carefully to have a full understanding 4) Put the original text aside and rewrite it in your own words

答案: 3241

5、 Read the following sentence and identify the best paraphrase. The amphibia, which is the animal class to which our frogs and toads belong, were the first animals to crawl from the sea and inhabit the earth.

答案: The first animals to leave the sea and live on dry land were the amphibia, such as frogs and toads.

6、 Read the following sentence and identify the best paraphrase. The stages that children pass through in the development of language are very consistent. However the exact age when they hit these milestones varies a lot.

答案: As children develop language skills, they usually go through the same stages, but they may reach the stages at different ages.

7、 Read the following paragraph and identify the best one-sentence summary.  Kutash and Northrop (2007) studied the comfort of family members in the ICU waiting room. They found that no matter the situation, waiting rooms are stressful for the patients and their families, and it is the nursing staff’s job to comfort both. From this emotional distress many family members judged the waiting room furniture as “uncomfortable” and only talked about it in a negative context. From this study we have learned that there is a direct relationship between a person’s emotional state and how that person perceives the physical state he or she is in, such as sitting in a chair. Is this relationship true in reverse as well? Can the way a person perceives his or her present physical state (such as sitting in a chair) affect his or her emotional state? This is the question that the present study sought to answer.

答案: Basing their work on the results of a previous study, Baker, Beacker, and Young propose to examine whether a person’s perceived physical comfort can have an impact on their anxiety levels.

8、 The following is the beginning part of the abstract of an article: Creativity and knowledge management are both important competences that university students need to strive to develop. This study therefore developed and evaluated an instructional program for improving university students’ creativity based on a blended knowledge-management (KM) model that integrates e-learning and three core processes of KM: knowledge sharing, knowledge internalization, and knowledge creation.What is the topic of this article?                                  

答案: creativity and knowledge management

9、 Read the short research paper written by students and answer the following questions.Connections between curiosity, flow and creativity AbstractPrevious research has shown that greater curiosity, the desire to know, is associated with more creativity, which entails generating new or useful ideas or products. The intense concentration and absorption that characterizes the phenomenon of flow may connect curiosity with creativity.  to judge (Jackson & Marsh, 1996). Thus, participants’ judgement of their flow state may not have completely captured their actual flow experience.Future research might explore causal relationships between curiosity, flow and creativity through experiment-based research designs. Programs intended to increase flow or creativity might build on the present findings and identify optimal ways of harnessing curiosity to stimulate flow or creativity.  17.  What is the topic of the paper? 

答案: the relationship between flow, curiosity and creativity

10、 How is the main body of the research paper organized?

答案: Introduction Methods and materials Results Discussion and conclusion

11、 What is the purpose of the research?

答案: Try to prove flow links curiosity with creativity

12、 Which of the following is NOT the finding of the research?

答案: There is a direct relationship between curiosity and creativity.

13、 Which of the following is NOT the limitations of the research?

答案: The sample is not large enough.

14、 Which of the following activities are helpful for deciding a topic?

答案: brainstorming;
reading books or articles in the library;
browsing the internet

15、 Why should you cite your sources?

答案: To show your readers that you have read extensively for your research.;
To give credit to others for work they have done.;
To point your readers to sources that may be useful to them.;
To show academic honesty and avoid plagiarism.

16、 A review article mainly relies on previously published literature or data, aiming for a critical, constructive analysis of the literature in a specific field. It involves __.

答案: summary;

17、 When you summarize, you must be careful not to copy the exact wording of the original source, so is it with paraphrase.

答案: 正确

18、 If the idea is from a published paper written by yourself, you don’t need to give citation.

答案: 错误

19、 You can delete or modify the unexpected data in order to get a satisfying result.

答案: 错误

20、 If you use your own words to paraphrase an idea from the source material, you don’t need to give citations.

答案: 错误

21、 Endnote can automatically update citations and bibliography.

答案: 正确

22、 What is the topic of the following mind map? 学术英语写作与演讲(上海交通大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版第1张
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)Transportation;

4. Connection Test 2 (Unit 3&4)

1、 Which sentence is better expressed in academic English language?

答案: The bridge was completed in 2010, which resulted in a positive political move that united two countries.

2、 Which sentence is better expressed in academic English language?

答案: During the interview students were asked about their experiences.

3、 Compare the difference between the following two paragraphs. Tell which paragraph is in line with academic writing conventions

答案: It is widely believed that climate is deteriorating. It is claimed that this process has been continuing for nearly 100 years. This belief appears to be supported by Mckinley (1997) who shows a 55% increase in the frequency of severe winer gales since 1905.

4、 Which of the following cannot be used to substitute suggested?Street (1997) suggested that the localization of media is in fact superficial, although the essence of the product remains the same.

答案: manipulated

5、 Which tense should you use to describe the method of your research?

答案: past

6、 __ refers to an area of inquiry. It can be used to indicate that the research in the area is still continuing, or that the research has immediate relevance today.

答案: Present perfect tense

7、 What does the italicized “so” refer to in the following paragraph?The human memory system is remarkably efficient, but it is of course extremely fallible. That being so, it makes sense to take full advantage of memory aids to minimize the disruption caused by such lapses.

答案: extremely fallible

8、 Which sentence should be deleted to keep paragraph unity?  Daredevil sports are also becoming popular. Young people are increasingly willing to risk life and limb while mountain biking, backcountry snowboarding, or high-speed skateboarding. Soccer is also popular in the United States now, although football is still more popular. One of the riskiest new sports is skysurfing, in which people jump out of airplanes with boards attached to their feet. Skysurfing rivals skydiving and bungee jumping for the amount of thrills—and risk.

答案: Soccer is also popular in the United States now, although football is still more popular.

9、 Decide on the order of the following sentences.(1) Moreover, while online discussion allows learners to go beyond the space and time constraints and provides support for community building (Gao, 2011), the face-to-face discussion is more prompt in responses, easier to reach consensuses, and more multidirectional in interaction (Wang & Woo, 2007). (2) Specifically, blended learning was emphasized in this study and several topic discussions were assigned and scored based on discussion frequencies to facilitate online interactions as well as to solve the problem of insufficiency of discussion time.(3) Past study findings have suggested that a blended learning approach that combines in-class learning and e-learning is more effective than a pure e-learning approach (Osguthorpe & Graham, 2003) and students are not satisfying with the pure online discussion approach (LaPointe & Reisetter, 2008).(4) Accordingly, in-class learning and e-learning (or online learning) are complimentary and both types of learning were interactively employed in this study.

答案: 3-1-4-2

10、  Decide on the order of the following sentences.a. It’s rare, but not unheard of, for mail to go astray.b. And many corporate mail servers have had growing pains, too, experiencing holdups and the odd deletion.c. On the whole though, you can assume email will arrive.d. However during 1997, AOL and Microsoft Network – to name just the big players – had severe mail outages resulting in the delay, and in some cases loss, of email.e. In general Internet email is considerably more reliable than the postal service.(The Internet and world wide web: The rough guide, (1997), p. 15)

答案: e- a- d- b- c

11、  Fill in the blankThere are three separate sources of hazard related to the use of nuclear reactions to supply us with energy. Firstly, the radioactive material must travel from its place of manufacture to the power station. ____ the power stations themselves are solidly built; the containers used for the transport of the material are not. 

答案: Although

12、 Fill in the blanks.Unfortunately, there are normally only two methods of transport available,_ road or rail, _ of these involve close contact with the general public, since the routes are bound to pass near, _____ through, heavily populated areas. 

答案: namely, and both, or even

13、 Fill in the blanks.Secondly, there is the problem of waste. _ nuclear power stations produce wastes _ in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to de-activate these wastes, ____ they must be stored in one of the ingenious but cumbersome ways that scientists have invented.

答案: All, which, and so

14、  Fill in the blanks.For example, they may be buried under the ground, dropped into disused mineshafts, _ sunk in the sea. _ these methods do not solve the problem; they merely store it, ____ an earthquake could crack open the containers like nuts.

答案: or, However, since

15、 Use COCA to find out the collocations of the following words.        The 3 most frequent adjectives before “improvement” :

答案: Significant;

16、 Use COCA to find out the collocations of the following words The 3 most frequent verbs after “report”:

答案: is/was;

17、 Past, present and present perfect tenses can all be used in the introduction or literature review of a research paper.

答案: 正确

18、 One paragraph can deal with as many topics as the author wants.

答案: 错误

19、 We can use different tenses in the discussion of the study according to the circumstance.

答案: 正确

20、 Fill in the blanks with appropriate transitions from the bank(填序号即可)A but   B and   C becauseA machine learning approach is essentially different from a traditional image processing approach, (1) ­­­­__ in the former the extracted features are data specific, (2) ­­­­_ in the latter features are extracted algorithmically (3) ­­­­___are not data specific.答案示例:A-B-C
答案: C-A-B

21、 Fill in the blanks with appropriate transitions from the bank(填序号即可)              A. rather than  B. both of   C. if   D. in whichPlagiarism is an attempt (1) _ people pretend that the ideas or words of other people are his or her own. (2) _ you copy the work of others, it is plagiarism. We should distinguish plagiarism from copyright infringement. These two words have some similarity and difference. The similarity is that they are illegal acts. (3) them are based on the theft of intellectual (4) ______ physical property. 答案示例:A-B-C-D
答案: D-C-B-A

22、 Fill in the blanks with appropriate transitions from the bank(填序号即可)   A. while  B. firstly  C. besidesThere are many differences at the same time. (9)__, plagiarism is normally committed by teachers and students on academic institutions (10)_ copyright infringement is usually committed by those working in the commercial sector of economy. (11) ____, infringement usually involves the making of money, while plagiarism is committed for other reasons.答案示例:A-B-C
答案: B-A-C

23、 Fill in the blanks with appropriate transitions from the bank(填序号即可)A. In addition B. Nonetheless C. however D. Consequently E. For example      When we see photos of outer space, we are struck by its beauty. (1)_, space is deadly place for humans. (2)_, a person cannot survive more than a few seconds in the vacuum of space. (3)_, cosmic radiation damages DNA, affects the central nervous system, and causes cancer. (4)_, space travel for long periods of time is impossible at the moment because astronauts would not survive the trip. (5) __, scientists have come up with creative ideas to protect astronauts in space.答案示例:A-B-C-D-E
答案: C-E-A-D-B




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