


第二章 基础篇 基础篇单元测试

1、 All of us know, color-blind people often find it difficult to __ between blue and green.

A:A. separate
B: B. distinguish
C: C. compare
D: D. contrast
答案: B. distinguish

2、 All their __ have been shown up by their own deeds.

A:A. debates
B: B. decorations
C: C. deductions
D: D. deceptions
答案: D. deceptions

3、 The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased_ , a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper job.

A:A circulation
B: B. reproduction
C:C. manipulation
D:D. penetration
答案: A circulation

4、 The morning news says a school bus with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.

A:A. bumped
B:B. collided
C:C. crashed   
D:D. struck
答案: B. collided

5、 The story that follows two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.

A:A. concerns  
B: B. states  
C: C. proclaims  
D:D. relates
答案: A. concerns  

第三章 口语篇 口语篇单元测试

1、 请根据下列提示回答问题,并录制视频上传。

B:2. Q1: Can you drive or do you plan to drive? Why or why not?
C:3.观点陈述: Possible problems arise from the use of driverless cars.
D:4.配对讨论:Who will benefit most from driverless cars?
答案: 1.自我介绍

第四章 听力篇 听力篇单元测试

1、 Questions1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A: A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.
B:B) It lists the various challenges physicists are confronting.
C:C) It describes how some mysteries of physics were solved.
D:D) It is one of the most fascinating physics books ever written.
答案: A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.

2、 Questions1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A:A) Physicists’ contribution to humanity.
B:B) Stories about some female physicists.
C:C) Historical evolution of modern physics.





