“一带一路”倡议的英语是Practice has proved all the more clearly that the APEC Approach, which responds to the reality in the region



“一带一路”倡议的英语是Practice has proved all the more clearly that the APEC Approach, which responds to the reality in the region, is conducive to achieving a balance of rights, interests and needs of various members. 从下面所给译文中选出最佳译文()Which of the following word can be used in the translation of “工厂”?(速效救心丸广告)随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。译文: A friend in need is a friend indeed. 此广告采用的是哪种翻译方法?Which of the following translation is better for the sentence “Massage a small amount onto wet skin. Rinse”?A:One Belt & One Road Initiative B:One Belt and One Road Suggestions C:One Belt & One Road Proposal D:One Belt & One Road Strategy 答案: One Belt & One Road InitiativeA:符合本地区的实际的“亚太经合组织方式”有利于各成员的不同权益和需求得到较好的平衡这一点已经越来越被实践证明了。 B:实践越来越证明,“亚太经合组织方式”符合本地区的实际,有利于各成员的不同权益和需求得到较好的平衡。 答案: 实践越来越证明,“亚太经合组织方式”符合本地区的实际,有利于各成员的不同权益和需求得到较好的平衡。A:mill B:works C:factory D:plant 答案: mill; works; factory; plantA:直译 B:改译 C:意译 D:套译 答案: 套译A:湿润皮肤,取少量按摩。洗净 B:将本品涂抹于面部皮肤上,轻轻按摩,用清水洗净 答案: 将本品涂抹于面部皮肤上,轻轻按摩,用清水洗净


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