“教育部”的英语是 According to Eugene A. Nida, a famous linguist and the founder of the modern discipline of translation studi



  “教育部”的英语是 According to Eugene A. Nida, a famous linguist and the founder of the modern discipline of translation studies, “Translating consists in reproducing in _____ the closest natural equivalence of _______message, first in terms of _____ and secondly in terms of______.” Which of the following is not essential in a name card? Life is a journey, Travel it well -United Airlines 此广告采用的是什么修辞方法? Which of the following is not essential in a product description? A:Education Department B:Department of Education C:Ministry of Education D:Education Ministry 答案: Ministry of Education A:the source-language ; the receptor language; meaning; style B:the receptor language; the source-language ; meaning; style C:the receptor language; the source-language ; style; meaning D:the source-language ; the receptor language; style; meaning 答案: the receptor language; the source-language ; meaning; style A:title of the holder B:a brief introduction of the company C:contact number of the holder D:company name of the holder 答案: a brief introduction of the company A:暗喻 B:拟人 C:明喻 D:夸张 答案: 暗喻 A:information of the sales manager B:index C:general description D:ways of use 答案: information of the sales manager


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