学业素养英语3 (欧玲)(重庆大学)中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版100分完整版



Unit 8 Travel and Experiencing Unit 8 Test 1

1、 1. Which of the following is not a reason the author chose to travel to Tanzania?

A:To see the annual migration of more than one million wildebeest.
B:There is an amazing sight.
C:To go deep into the forest with a good guide.
D:To see as many wild animals as possible.
答案: To go deep into the forest with a good guide.

2、 2. Where is Kenya?

A:To the south of Tanzania.
B:Crossed the equator.
C:In the southern Africa.
D:To the north of Sudan
答案: Crossed the equator.

3、 3. What unbelievable sight was visible from the window of the plane as it descended into Tanzania?

A:The largest elephant populations in the world.
B:The world’s tallest mountain.
C:An large area of thick forests.
D:Africa’s tallest peak.
答案: Africa’s tallest peak.

4、 4. Who was Samuel?

A:A famous archaeologist.
B:The Tauck representative.
C:A zoologist.
D:A professional safari guide.
答案: The Tauck representative.

5、 5. When did the author arrive in Tanzania?

A:Three days before the start of the safari.
B:One full day before the safari.
C:In the morning.
D:At least a day or two in advance of any African safari.
答案: Three days before the start of the safari.

6、 6. Which of the following did they not spot when they took a three-mile hike around Lake Duluti?

A:black monkeys
B:monitor lizards
C:fish eagles
D:large, noisy birds with wings that make a whoosh-whoosh-whoosh sound as they fly
答案: black monkeys

7、 7. Why did a murmur go through the crowd at the market?

A:Because we spoke in Swahili.
B:Because we smiled and responded to the local people.
C:Because the five of us were the only Anglos.
D:Because we bought vegetables.
答案: Because the five of us were the only Anglos.

8、 8. When did the travellers catch the fleeting silhouette of a blue monkey?

A:At close of day.
B:Early in the morning.
C:At night.
D:On the last day.
答案: At close of day.

9、 9. Why, after a while, did the travelers find it difficult to ask Honest questions?

A:They were distracted by hikers coming down from the summit.
B:Honest and Dismas were doing all the talking themselves.




