国际贸易实务(商丘学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



1. Course Introduction Basic Knowledge

1、 Which is the international convention that regulates the negotiation, conclusion and implementation of international sales contract?

B:Contract Law of PRC
答案: CISG

2、 International rules, such as UCP, have the same binding effect as laws.

答案: 错误
分析:International rules have no binding effect unless they are integrated into the contracts.

3、 Domestic laws could be ignored when we conducting business internationally.

答案: 错误
分析:Domestic laws are one important part of the legal environment of international trade.

4、 There is no difference between domestic trade and international trade.

答案: 错误
分析:International trade is riskier and more complex than domestic trade.

5、 Import is just an inverse process of export,and no special attention should be paid.

答案: 错误
分析:Import is not simply an inverse process of export. Special attention should be paid to many details. For example, goods may have to go through stricter inspection in import than in export.

Chapter Two Business Negotiation Test for Business Negotiation in International Trade

1、 A foreign buyer cabled “offer dated 10 Aug. accepted, if 5% commission included”. This is a/an ( ).

答案: counteroffer

2、 According to CISG, a contract can be established when ( )

A:an acceptance becomes effective
B:both seller and buyer sign on a written contract
C:the contract is approved by authorities
D:an offer reaches the offeree
答案: an acceptance becomes effective

3、 When the offeree makes modification to the ( ), his reply may not be seen as a counteroffer.

B:payment term
D:quality and quantity
答案: packing

4、 Which of the following statements is not true for an inquiry?

A:It is an invitation to offer.
B:Either the sender or the recipient of an inquiry is not bound.
C:It is not a necessary step to conclude a contract.
D:The sender must be the potential buyer.
答案: The sender must be the potential buyer.

5、 Which of the following statements is not true for an effective offer?

A:An offer must be a proposal for concluding a contract.
B:It must be addressed to specific person(s).
C:It must be definitely sufficient to include description of commodity, quantity, price, payment, shipment and insurance, etc.
D:It should indicate the offeror’s intention to be bound in case of acceptance.
答案: It must be definitely sufficient to include description of commodity, quantity, price, payment, shipment and insurance, etc.

6、 On February 2, Company A made a selling offer to Company B, “We offer firm at USD 150 per carton FOB Shanghai, subject to your reply here on or before February 10.” On February 6, B replied, “Your offer of February 2 is accepted if the price is USD 135 per carton FOB Shanghai.” As A was considering, the market price went over USD 150. On February 8, B sent another mail that read, “We accept your offer of February 2.” Which of the following statements is true?

A:B’s reply on February 6 is an acceptance.
B:B’s reply on February 6 is a counteroffer.
C:B’s mail on February 8 is an acceptance.
D:B’s mail on February 8 is a new offer.
E:A contract was concluded between A and B.
F:No contract was concluded between A and B.
答案: B’s reply on February 6 is a counteroffer.;
B’s mail on February 8 is a new offer.;
No contract was concluded between A and B.

7、 Company B sent us a buying offer, subject to our reply there before July 22. On July 24, we telexed our acceptance to the offer but received no reply. As the market kept going up, we unexpectedly received a telex on August 24 from Company B requesting us to make shipment before the end of August as specified in the offer, or they would reserve the right to the claim against us for compensation.Which of the following statements is true?

A:B had the right to claim for our late shipment.
B:We should make shipment before the end of August.
C:A contract was concluded between B and us.
D:No contract was concluded between B and us.
E:Our acceptance on July 24 was an late acceptance, being invalid without B’s confirmation.
F:B’s telex on August 24 was a new offer, and we could turn it down.
答案: No contract was concluded between B and us.;
Our acceptance on July 24 was an late acceptance, being invalid without B’s confirmation.;
B’s telex on August 24 was a new offer, and we could turn it down.

8、 If an effective offer is accepted unconditionally, a contract can be achieved.

答案: 正确

9、 Offer and counteroffer are two essential steps in international trade negotiation.

答案: 错误

10、 A buyer cable an acceptance to an offer, but requiring to change payment from D/P at sight to D/A. The seller kept silence. A contract could be established at this moment.

答案: 错误

11、 An oral offer must be accepted immediately unless the circumstances indicate otherwise.

答案: 正确

12、 Any offer can be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeree before an acceptance is dispatched.

答案: 错误

13、 Any offer can be withdrawn, but not every offer can be revoked.

答案: 正确

14、 An offer is accepted only if there is no alteration.

答案: 错误

15、 A counteroffer terminates the offer and is a new offer.

答案: 正确

16、 A late acceptance must be invalid and have no binding on the offeror.

答案: 错误

17、 An acceptance can be revoked after it becomes effective.

答案: 错误
分析:An acceptance cannot be revoked, because when it arrives at the offeror’s end, a contract is concluded.

18、 As an exporter in China, the international Sales Contract can be signed either in written form or oral form.

答案: 正确

Chapter Three Subject Test for subject

1、 In the case of neutral packing with designated brand, ( )

A:neither brand or trade mark nor the country of origin is indicated
B:both brand or trade mark and the country of origin are indicated
C:only brand or trade mark is indicated
D:only the country of origin in indicated
答案: only brand or trade mark is indicated

2、 The most commonly adopted way of stipulating weight in international trade contract is ( ).

A:gross weight





