英语阅读II(河西学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Unit 1 Early Autumn Unit 1 测验

1、 The words on the cardboard “I’m blind, Please help” do not seem to draw much attention because _____.

A:people tend to ignore such familiar street side scenes
B:the language is too simple, and not eye-catching
C:the words have a commanding air that annoys people
D:the demand for help is not direct and strong enough
答案: people tend to ignore such familiar street side scenes

2、 Ezra Pound has made another comment that literature is “news that stays news.” This probably means _____.

A:that literary writing will not go out of date
B:that literature always concerns itself with social issues
C:that literature remains to be readers’ favorite choice
D:that literature repeatedly occurs in news headlines
答案: that literary writing will not go out of date

3、 Which of the following adjectives can probably best describe Bill’s attitude?

答案: Indifferent.

4、 All the following statements give proper summaries of some aspect of the short story “Early Autumn” except one. Which is the EXCEPTION?

A:It is minimalistic in style.
B:It has some poetic quality.
C:It resorts to “slice of life” method of presentation.
D:It is a good lesson for young people.
答案: It is a good lesson for young people.

5、 Which statement about“defamiliarization” as a literary term is NOT TRUE?

A:It awakens the reader to new possibilities of meaning.
B:It refers to a fact stated in a less familiar way.
C:It can sharpen reader’s awareness to a stated fact.
D:It makes the text unclear and unreadable.
答案: It makes the text unclear and unreadable.

6、 According to Henry James, a short story gets its impact mostly from _____.

A:an artistic literary language
B:details selected for the fiction
C:interesting plot or story-line
D:the life-like characters
答案: details selected for the fiction

7、 Which of the following statements is NOT characteristic of a short story?

A:It has two levels of understanding.
B:It requires imaginative participation of the reader
C:It allows different interpretations
D:It allows contains a moral lesson
答案: It allows contains a moral lesson

8、 What is probably NOT TRUE of Mary, the main character in “Early Autumn”?

A:She misses the days of the past.
B:She still loves Bill.
C:She works to keep a family of three children.
D:She is satisfied with her life and job in New York.
答案: She is satisfied with her life and job in New York.

9、 When we say that the first paragraph foreshadows the body of the short story, we mean that it _____.

A:prepares the reader for the last event
B:cast a dark shadow over the story
C:shapes the structure of the story development
D:gives a signal that something great is to occur
答案: prepares the reader for the last event

10、 All the following statements give proper summaries of some aspect of the short story “Early Autumn” except one. Which is the EXCEPTION?

A:It is minimalistic in style.
B:It has some poetic quality.
C:It refers to “slice of life” method of presentation.
D:It is a good lesson for young people.
答案: It is a good lesson for young people.

11、 Which one of the following statements about a “detached narrator”is NOT TRUE?

A:He withdraws from the story emotionally.
B:He holds an opinion different from the main character.
C:He only records and describes.
D:He refuses to make any comments.
答案: He holds an opinion different from the main character.

12、 The title of the short story “Early Autumn” may give a hint to the reader that _____.

A:there is an emotionally bitter and long winter awaiting Mary
B:it is still the brighter time of one’s life, like early autumn
C:both Mary and Bill are now middle-aged people
D:the love between them is not as “hot” as summer days
答案: there is an emotionally bitter and long winter awaiting Mary

13、 The last sentence of Early Autumn “she had forgotten … to tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill, too” shows that _____.

A:Mary knows she would meet Bill again someday
B:”Bill” is a very common name
C:Mary has been thinking about Bill and still loves him
D:Mary is proud of her youngest son
答案: Mary has been thinking about Bill and still loves him

14、 Mary doesn’t say anything when she gets on the bus. Why?

A:She has nothing more to say.
B:She is disappointed in Bill.
C:She is too emotional to open her mouth.
D:She knows the situation is hopeless.
答案: She is too emotional to open her mouth.

15、 When Ezra Pound says that “great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree,” he probably means that _____.

A:great literature tends to be simple in language but deep in meaning
B:great literature would allow a lot of possible explanations
C:great literature is language made more dynamic and meaningful
D:great literature, unlike ordinary speech, uses rhetorical and artful language.
答案: great literature is language made more dynamic and meaningful

Unit 2 A Piece of Yellow Soap Unit 2 测验

1、 Which one of the following statements describes an “implied author”?

A:The implied author is the story writer.
B:The implied author is an image the reader gets from the written work.
C:The implied author is the real author’s “another self.”
D:The implied author is an alternative term for “narrator.”
答案: The implied author is an image the reader gets from the written work.

2、 Which statement about the “naïve narrator” is NOT generally accepted?

A:A naïve narrator creates a special literary effect.
B:A naïve narrator usually supplies reliable details.
C:A naïve narrator does not have a full understanding of the story.
D:A naïve narrator distorts the meaning of the story.
答案: A naïve narrator distorts the meaning of the story.

3、 Which one of the following characteristics is NOT a proper description of “A Piece of Yellow Soap.”

A:It is a “slice-of-life” type of writing.
B:It explores the depth of mind of the characters.
C:The story is told superficially by a naïve narrator.
D:It has distinctive features of a new writing style.
答案: It explores the depth of mind of the characters.

4、 The two levels of understandings, the surface level and the deep level, are made more manifest by the author’s use of a naïve narrator. What advantage does this way of narration have?

A:The story is thus made more complicated.
B:The author’s voice is more forcefully presented.
C:Readers would more likely be drawn into the story.
D:The hidden meaning is thus unexpectedly revealed to the reader.
答案: Readers would more likely be drawn into the story.

5、 Which of the following statements on limited omniscient narrator is true?

A:The limited omniscient narrator is outside the story.
B:The limited omniscient narratormay know everything.
C:The story provided by The limited omniscient narrator is more convincing.
D:The limited omniscient narrator has a limited vision about the story.
答案: The limited omniscient narrator is outside the story.;
The limited omniscient narratormay know everything.;
The limited omniscient narrator has a limited vision about the story.

6、 Frank Sargeson is an African American writer.

答案: 错误

7、 The narrator of A Piece of Yellow Soap made angry comments at the end because the woman could not pay the bill.

答案: 错误

8、 Sargeson’s characters are often inarticulate and frustrated male drifters from lower classes.

答案: 正确





